David Pierce, for Wired:
Lynch and team had to reengineer the Watch’s software twice before it was sufficiently fast. An early version of the software served you information in a timeline, flowing chronologically from top to bottom. That idea never made it off campus; the ideas that will ship on April 24 are focused on streamlining the time it takes a user to figure out whether something is worth paying attention to.
Take the feature called Short Look: You feel a pulse on your wrist, which means you’ve just received a text message. You flick your wrist up and see the words “Message from Joe.” If you put your wrist down immediately, the message stays unread and the notification goes away. If you keep your wrist up, the message is displayed on the Watch’s screen. Your level of interest in the information, as demonstrated by your reaction to it, is the only cue the Watch needs to prioritize. It’s interactions like this that the Watch team created to get your face out of your tech.
Also, I love this bit:
It has become normal for Apple employees to randomly stand during meetings because their Watch told them to.
It’s a pretty huge gamble, but Apple seems to believe it has a hit on its wrists. I’m undecided, but I do love to see the state of the art being advanced. Even if the watch itself never finds a place on my wrist, I’m fascinated by such things as their so-called taptic engine, and the thinking that went into a pared down, but information-rich interface.