The paper zips up from the basement, zigzags through the press—which applies ink that sticks only to the areas marked by the laser—then jets back toward the middle of the room, where half a dozen pressmen in ink-stained jumpsuits grab pages off the press.
the plant will print more than 300,000 copies—double that on the weekend—which by 3:25 a.m. have to be loaded onto dozens of trucks. The straight trucks, which are already at the loading docks, can fit eight pallets each, holding a total of 14,000 individual copies. The trailer trucks carry twenty-four pallets, a load of 50,000 copies.
While it’s interesting to watch as they’ve evolved with the times, I can’t help but feel that there’s something inescapably antiquated about gigantic screaming machines printing old news on massive spools of paper. It still feels important, but I wonder how long they can keep this operation running.